Q and A


I am feeling tired, what shall I do?

Hi, guys!

Been on ARVs for about 14 months now and everything is going great now. CD4 up to 680 and undetectable.
However, for the past 5 days I have felt very fatigued after being awake for about 7 hours to the point I have to sleep. I feel fine and all blood works were fine (most recent two weeks ago), except a drop in calcium.
Should I be worried that something is going on or is this part and parcel of being positive? I don’t feel ill or loss of appitite or anything, just extremely sleepy and tired.

I would go to my clinic however I was told ‘I am just a needy person’ by them and so feel unable to go. However, have a fab GP who knows a lot about HIV but I don’t feel this warrants an appointment.

Thanks a lot for your help and great service you all provide.


Firstly, talking to your hospital is really a good idea, as sometimes fatigue can be a symptom of many conditions. The sooner you understand what is the reason, the better, as you will be able to deal with it quicker.

Many HIV-positive people feel fatigued sometimes and the reasons for that, as well as the possible solutions are very well described here.

Hope this helps.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Blandina, how long after starting TLD did you notice these symptoms? If they are recent and you have been on TLD already for 2 years it would be very unlikely that your treatment is causing these symptoms?

    What time of the day do you take TLD? and how are you sleeping?

    What you have mentioned are not uncommon symptoms. Have you been to see a doctor about them to be investigated for possible causes?

  2. Blandina

    Im on arv treatment for 14 years but I dd not have any plobrem but when I changed my medicine into dolutegravir 50mg lamivudine300mg and tenoforvir disoproxil fumarate 300 nw for two years my body wake up tired my joint it paining pls help.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Precious,

    What ARVs are you taking?
    Are you taking your meds as prescribed?

  4. Precious

    Hi I have 3 months on arv feeling tired

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Endurance,

    If you’re feeling like this you need to talk to a doctor, you may need to change to another combination.

  6. Endurance

    Hi. have been on ARV for 2 months now, still feeling the same, tiredness, chills and night sweats, water eyes and sometimes pains in my both ribs and weight loss. no change since I started hiv treatment .. am so scared that am going to die, pls what do I do?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zebu,

    What medication are you taking? Are you taking it as prescribed?

  8. Zebu

    I am feeling a lot worse than I ever was, and this stared after I started taking ARVs.

    Have been on medication for the past four months and I’m feeling very tired most times

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dineo,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re not well. Treating HIV and TB can be complex. So it’s important you stay in close touch with the clinic. You should tell them about coughing blood and any other symptoms you have.

    How is your HIV treatment going? Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 results? Please let us know. Please tell us what ARVs you’re taking too.

  10. Dineo

    i have 4 weeks taking my ARV now starting from yesterday when i cough i took out clouts of blood is that bcs they said at clinic I’ve got tb too they gave me tb treatment told me im going to use it for 12 months! so im worried


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