Q and A


I am feeling tired, what shall I do?

Hi, guys!

Been on ARVs for about 14 months now and everything is going great now. CD4 up to 680 and undetectable.
However, for the past 5 days I have felt very fatigued after being awake for about 7 hours to the point I have to sleep. I feel fine and all blood works were fine (most recent two weeks ago), except a drop in calcium.
Should I be worried that something is going on or is this part and parcel of being positive? I don’t feel ill or loss of appitite or anything, just extremely sleepy and tired.

I would go to my clinic however I was told ‘I am just a needy person’ by them and so feel unable to go. However, have a fab GP who knows a lot about HIV but I don’t feel this warrants an appointment.

Thanks a lot for your help and great service you all provide.


Firstly, talking to your hospital is really a good idea, as sometimes fatigue can be a symptom of many conditions. The sooner you understand what is the reason, the better, as you will be able to deal with it quicker.

Many HIV-positive people feel fatigued sometimes and the reasons for that, as well as the possible solutions are very well described here.

Hope this helps.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nosie,

    What HIV meds you are taking and what is your viral load result? Please let us know.

  2. NOSIE

    I started my treatment last year June using my treatment well but my Cd4 count is down my worry is that

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pulane,

    How long have you been taking ARVs? What meds are you taking? You’ve said that you’ve lost weight, how much weight have you lost and over what time period?

  4. Pulane

    Hi I just feel so tired and headache is killing me a lot so that my treatment I took them well but the question is what makes me to lose weight because I am worried about that just help me please

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lihle,

    It’s good that you’ve started HIV treatment (ART). Starting ART has benefits for your health even if you have a high CD4 count.

    Do you have access to your CD4 count and your viral load results? And what HIV meds are you taking?

    Please talk to your doctor about weight loss and ask what can be causing it.

    Please let us know about your treatment and results.

  6. Lihle

    just started I’ve been on my treatment 2 weeks ago and I’ve lost weight and that worries me

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zandi,

    I’m sorry that you don’t sound well. But it’s good that you’ve started Trivenz.

    Taking Trivenz before bedtime, and on an empty stomach, can mean that any side effects happen when you’re asleep. So taking them at 21:00 is fine, so long as you’re not working night shifts.

    But you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) to ask about doctors and clinics in Gauteng. TAC have a contacts page here.

    It’s important that you see a doctor about your throat because, if your CD4 count is very low, you might need extra treatment for it.

  8. Zandi

    Hi. I’ve been on trivenz for 3 weeks now. Everything was going ohk. I’ve trying to take some walk in the morning to gain some energy. Bloods done last week everything seems to be normal. My VL was very high and CD4 low. My question is I’ve been having these irritation on my throat for 2 wks now nd i hav to keep on clearing it, wat causes that bcoz by clearing it gives me headaches?

    Going back to work soon was planning to change the time to 19:00 from 21:00. Is it a problem coz i just started my treatment.

    I am in SA gauteng can i have the dr names who specially deal with Hiv or hav enough info.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Quin.

    Is this something that you’ve talked to your doctor about?

  10. Quin

    I feel tired and illness,I have two years tooking my treatment ( ARV)


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