
Will norovirus affect my drug absorption?

Hi – my most recent results showed undetectable viral load and CD4 311. I have had perfect adherence so far. However I’ve just been hit with the norovirus over last 48 hours and while I’ve maintained adherence I’m concerned about malabsorption. Can you advise? Many thanks.



Thanks for your email. I’m very sorry to hear you are unwell!

These two previous questions discuss absorption of HIV meds in relation to symptoms of stomach bugs. It’s unlikely that a short term bug like this will affect your HIV treatment but it’s still a good idea to talk to your HIV doctor about this. Please let me know if you have any questions after looking at these.

Does diarrhea affect the absorption of my HIV meds?

What do I do if I’m sick after I take my medication?


  1. Ray

    Hi Rebecca – thanks for this. Very helpful. I have spoken to my BBV nurse who said while likely there may have been some malabsorption probably ok as short term. Hoping it will now settle and can get back into the groove. Norovirus horrible though. All the best and thanks again , Ray.


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