Q and A


Will these supplements be OK to take with my HIV treatment?

Will these supplements be OK to take with my HIV treatment: garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, cayenne, cardiosterol


Garlic is fine, as long as you are not on protease inhibitors (in particular saquinavir). Generally, however, it is good to avoid it if you use a PI, as it may reduce the drug concentration.

Ginger is fine. Especially, if you have problems with the stomach while on medicines.

Ginkgo biloba is fine too, but people with low platelets, as well as people prone to sudden bleeding or women with heavy menstruation, is better to avoid it. This is because it prevents platelet clumping.

Cayenne is generally fine, but should be avoided with ACE inhibitors, stomach acid reducers, aspirin, blood thinning medicines and theophylline.

Finally, I have not heard of any studies re: cardiosterol. If you decide to use it, then you should do that with caution and if you notice anything unusual, you should contact your doctor ASAP.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosipho,

    What’s your ARV history.
    When did you start to notice changes in your body shape?

  2. Nosipho

    I started my Arv’s since 2006 and since then my legs are thin and my body changed I don’t know the treatment that am using is good for my Body pls help I can’t even were something short am not free.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Liina, there are no interactions between ginger, lemon and HIV drugs.

    The best website to check for HIV drug interactions is:

  4. Liina.S.E

    I likna is fin to to take ginger and lemon with my arv treatment

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Jane

    I am 7hours late in taking my Acriptega for the first time,hope there is no problem

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Henry,

    Neither garlic nor ginger will have any benefits on your HIV, however if you like to eat them, then yes you can eat them. HIV is controlled by ARVs, and only ARVs.

  8. Henry

    Is it helpful to eat garlic and ginger while taking my HIV treatment? I am taking ACRIPTEGA as my hiv treatment. I started my treatment in October 2020

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Oro,

    Some herbs and supplements can interact with some antiretrovirals. So please talk to your doctor before you decide to take them.

    Unfortunately, there is no approved treatment for COVID-19 yet. It’s not clear that herbs and supplements can treat or prevent it.

    But how’s your HIV treatment going? What HIV meds are you taking? And if you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results, please let us know what they are.

  10. Oro

    Can HIV patients on antiretroviral drugs take neem leave ( dogoyaro), garlic, lemon and ginger to prevent and treat covid 19?


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