Q and A


Will these supplements be OK to take with my HIV treatment?

Will these supplements be OK to take with my HIV treatment: garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, cayenne, cardiosterol


Garlic is fine, as long as you are not on protease inhibitors (in particular saquinavir). Generally, however, it is good to avoid it if you use a PI, as it may reduce the drug concentration.

Ginger is fine. Especially, if you have problems with the stomach while on medicines.

Ginkgo biloba is fine too, but people with low platelets, as well as people prone to sudden bleeding or women with heavy menstruation, is better to avoid it. This is because it prevents platelet clumping.

Cayenne is generally fine, but should be avoided with ACE inhibitors, stomach acid reducers, aspirin, blood thinning medicines and theophylline.

Finally, I have not heard of any studies re: cardiosterol. If you decide to use it, then you should do that with caution and if you notice anything unusual, you should contact your doctor ASAP.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zim, yes you can. Ginger boosters will not interact with your ARVs.

  2. Zim

    Hi I am on arvs and would like to know can I take ginger love boosters

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Margareth, yes you can use cayenne pepper while taking ARVs. There is no interaction between them.

  4. Magareth

    I am magareth can I use cayine paper while i’m taking ARVs

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joe, Magnesium can interfere with TLD absorption if taken together. What time of the day do you take TLD? It is often recommended to be taken in the morning.

    If you take TLD in the morning and magnesium at night there will be no interaction between the two. It would be safe to take them on the same day.

  6. Joe

    Hi there!
    I’m on HIV medication (lamivudine, efavirenz and tenofovir). I just want to ask if I could take Magnesium Glycinate as it helps me sleep? I just dont want the magnesium glycinate interfere with my ARV absorption.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Felina, yes it is okay for you to drink clove tea.

  8. Felina

    Hi am on my arvs is ok for me to drink clove tea

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amily, I am sorry but I do not know what you mean by ‘swamp’. Is this a herbal medicine?

  10. Amily

    Hi is there any interaction between swamps and dolutegravir


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