Q and A


Could I be infected?

I worry I might have HIV. I am a healthy guy. 2 days ago a girl did oral sex to me and also I introduced my finger into her vagina, but seems that she had her period. What are the possibilities I had acquired HIV? If I do the PCR HIV test in 14 days how accurate the test results will be? Thanks for your help.


This depends on many factors, the main one of which, is whether the girl is HIV-positive at all.

If she is, whether she is on medicines and what her viral load is.

Finally, whether you had a wound on your finger, as the skin itself is a really good protector.

Generally, the chances are very low.

As for PCR, in my opinion it does not make much sense at the moment, as it is very expensive and unless you are prepared to pay a lot for it, it will not be used in the routine practice. In addition, the modern ELISA tests are very good and they will be able to detect infection fairly soon after possible exposure. You’ll need to discuss that with your local clinic though.