Q and A


Are my ARVs safe in pregnancy?

I’m four months pregnant and I’m on ARVs lamivudine efavirenz and tenofovir. Is it safe for the baby if I continue taking them?



Thanks for your question. Being on ARVs will reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to your baby. If your viral load is undetectable throughout pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding the chance of passing HIV to your baby will be close to zero. So it is very important to continue taking ARVs throughout your pregnancy.

There used to be some advice against using efavirenz in pregnancy but this has changed. Please see this previous question for more informaiton about this.

Please also see our pregnancy guide, and this page about the safety of ARVs in pregnancy.

Please let me know if you have any further questions and I will be more than happy to help. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Amanda,

    ARVs don’t cause fertility issues in either men nor women. If you are having problems getting pregnant this is something that you should talk to a specialist about.

  2. Amanda

    im on my meds for 4 years and now ive been trying for a baby this year but i dont get pregnant why

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thula,

    This could be a side effect of the meds, however it could also be due to the pregnancy. Have you talked to your doctor about this? They should be able to give you something for the sick feeling.

  4. Thula

    Im16 weeks pregnant, I have been taking ARV’s for a week now,
    Problem is I feel sick every morning, my stomach feels so upset, I can’t eat well bcos of this and have cramps, I don’t know whether it’s normal or side effects or should I be worried,

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nana,

    This is something that you should talk to a doctor about. They will be able to advise you.

  6. Nana

    Hello . I m pregnant and on med, the problem is I have blood spots and cramps on pelvic cavity. What should be the problem?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi ziiipho,

    Yes its safe for you to take ARVs when pregnant, its actaully very important that you do. The ARVs will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby, as well as help you. For more info about pregnancy, please see here:


  8. ziiipho

    I’m pregnant and on medication, is it safe for me to continue with my ARVs?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembisa,

    I’m not sure what the yellow stuff is, it could be morning sickness or a possible side effect. If you could talk to your doctor they should be able to help you. As you’re pregnant and you’ve just started ARVs you may find the following links helpful:



  10. Thembisa

    I’m 4 months pregnant, I’ve just started meds. The thing is I vomit yellow stuff in the morning.


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