Q and A


Is it normal for CD4 count to drop in pregnancy?

I’m 36 weeks in my pregnancy and I’ve tested for HIV and results were positive.

My CD4 count was 813 but now has dropped to 660 and yet I’m taking treatment is this normal?



Thanks for your email. It is very normal for a CD4 count to drop in pregnancy. The CD4 drop in pregnancy is usually about 50 cells/mm3, but it can vary a lot. This drop is only temporary. Your CD4 count will generally return to your pre-pregnancy level soon after the baby is born. Because your CD4 count is so high you shouldn’t worry about this- your immune system is still very strong.

It is important though, to check that your viral load is undetectable. This is important both to make sure that treatment is working properly and because having an undetectable viral load is important to protect your baby from infection.

Do you know if your doctor is checking your viral load, or if this is available where you are?

Please follow this link for more information about CD4 counts in pregnancy.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Khetiwe, congratulations on your pregnancy. Your CD4 count will not impact HIV transmission to baby. As you are on treatment, this is how to protect baby from transmission and will help improve your own CD4 count. How far in your pregnancy are you? Even finding out late, many HIV positive mothers will have healthy, HIV negative babies. Starting treatment as soon as you find out will greatly reduce the risk of transmission. Baby will also be given their own medication when they are born for a short period of time. This is explained here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/infant-meds-when-the-mother-is-living-with-hiv

  2. Khethiwe

    Just found out my cd4 count is 24 liter n am pregnant m scared that my baby will be infected m on treatment

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nthabiseng,
    Are you going to have a baby, is that why you posted your comment here? As Rebecca says above, CD4 counts can drop in pregancy. It’s normal and only temporary. But it’s important though, to check that your viral load is undetectable.
    Please follow this link for more information about CD4 counts in pregnancy.

  4. Nthabiseng

    Am in Arvs and my viral load is undetectable but am worried because my c4 count has dropped does it mean I have to be worried.


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