Q and A


How long can I live on Atroiza?

I’m a girl aged 20 and I’m HIV positive. My CD4 is 174 and I’m taking atroiza.

I want to know how long can I live?



Thanks for your email.

Having HIV can sometimes be difficult. But modern treatment is very effective. It means that you can have a near-normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.

Nobody can predict how long anyone will live. This depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and bad luck).

Do you have any support to deal with being HIV positive? If you are in South Africa you could contact the Treatment Action Campaign for information about treatment and support in your area.

The i-Base Introduction to combination therapy guide also has general information about treatment.

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Please me know if you have any questions or I can help further.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Monawashe

    It is good that you want to support your friend. I don’t know how well you know each other so this may or may not be something that he wants to talk about. Health care is a private issue. This may ot may not be this person’s meds and sometimes we hear of Atroiza being used to prevent infeciton – even though this is not recommened. Also, sometimes it take time for people to want to talk about this. Other than directly asking – which might also be fine – you could talk about HIV in general in a way that made it clear you understand and support people who are HIV positive.

  2. Monawashe

    Hi am a social worker l hv bn living with a frend who is hiv positive and he is keeping it a secret. l found out abt it wen l saw some tablets written Atrizoa n l googled abt them. So my question is hw do l help hm bcoz am sure it’s not easy for him, he really need suport from his frenz n family.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zanele,

    There is no difference between Tribuss and Atrioza. So it’s very important that you go to the doctor and find out what’s happening. If you had a bad reaction to Tribuss the clinic should not have given you Atrioza.

    Do you have support to help with this? Please let me know if you can see the doctor quickly.

  4. zanele

    Hi I just want to know if there is a difference between Tribuss and Atrioza. Reason is I once use Tribuss, and that night my whole body was like I’m burning. Now I’m receiving Atrioza and it looks the same, now I’m scared to get the pains that I’ve got.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Nozipho

    Is your man on HIV treatment? This is important if you want to become pregant.

    If he has been on treatment for more than 6 months and his viral load is undetectable, then this will dramatially reduce any risk to you.

    Please talk to your doctor about other support for becoming pregnant.

  6. Nozipho

    Im HIV negative. For now and my man is positive and we want to make a baby,is there a pill that will help me concieve and still be negative
    Thank you

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, It’s very important that you go to see the doctor about your rash and dizziness.

    I am not a doctor so I can’t answer the question. But symptoms like this should be seen by the doctor and clinic to find out what’s causing them.

    It’s important for your health and your baby’s health to do this. Do you have support at the clinic to make sure you and your baby keep healthy while you’re pregnant?

  8. Lubabalo

    Hi, I am a 24 year old girl and I have been diagnosed HIV positive and and pregnant my CD4 count is less than 300. I have been taking Atroiza for two weeks now it makes me feel dizzy and I am noticing a rash on my body. Is this normal or I should see a doctor?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nosie, Tribuss and Atroiza are two different versions of the same medicine. They are treatment for HIV. Some people gain weight after starting – please talk to your doctor about this.

  10. Nosie

    I’ve been diagnose as HIV positive. First they gave me Tribuss aftrer that gave me Atroiza – am I positive or not? ive take my atrioza at bed time but I notice that I gain weight – please help.


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