Q and A


How long can I live on Atroiza?

I’m a girl aged 20 and I’m HIV positive. My CD4 is 174 and I’m taking atroiza.

I want to know how long can I live?



Thanks for your email.

Having HIV can sometimes be difficult. But modern treatment is very effective. It means that you can have a near-normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.

Nobody can predict how long anyone will live. This depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and bad luck).

Do you have any support to deal with being HIV positive? If you are in South Africa you could contact the Treatment Action Campaign for information about treatment and support in your area.

The i-Base Introduction to combination therapy guide also has general information about treatment.

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Please me know if you have any questions or I can help further.


  1. Azande

    hey I’m 26 and I’m pregnant. I’ll give birth in May. I started my treatment 1 week a go.
    No I didn’t tell my baby daddy nor my parents. I’m scared.

    The thing that I want to know is, will my baby be ok? Also, I’m really worried that my body might change.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zizile,

    Atrozia is a generic version of Atripla. It is a very effective ARV, and one that is used by millions of people globally. There maybe some side effects, but it will not damage you.

    When you say you are being forced, what do you mean? And when did you have jaundice?


    I’m 26. I’ve been positive for 4 years. My CD4 is 1200. I’m being forced to take atrozia. Will it damage me? I used to take it when I was pregnant, then stopped. I’ve had jaundice.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi boyzen,

    If you mean in relation to your HIV, only ARVs can help a persons HIV. Could you please tell me what is it you want to take and why.

  5. boyzen

    What will happen if you take atrozia and also traditional herbs and medicine?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Boyzen,

    ARVs are what will help your HIV, this and nothing else. Please see question 2 here:


    If you do choose to use traditional medicine and or herbs, then you should talk to your doctor about this first.

  7. boyzen

    What will happen if a take atroiza and also some traditional medicine or herbs? I’d like to clean my blood.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntombi,

    Unless a cure is found, you will need to take your ARV medication for life. Please see question 7 here for why this is important:


  9. ntombi

    My CD4 count is 412, how long should I keep taking ARVs?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi TDK,

    The first thing that you need to know is that you may not get side effects, and if you do they should only last for a few weeks. After that you should be back to how you were before you started them. For more information about atrozia, (which is a generic version of Atripla) and how is should be taken as well are the possible side effects, please see here:


    With regards to deciding if you should take meds or not, because you’ve lost a brother to HIV, then you know what could eventually happen if you don’t take meds. Though I don’t know your mother, having a child alive and having to cope with the disappointment of them being positive is better than having an ill child, or losing another.

    Furthermore, because your mothers husband is positive, its likely that your mother will understand that HIV is a very manageable health condition. Also in many families, its common.

    Being nervous is common, but meds will help your HIV. What might help is if you contacted a support group. Are there any near to where you live?


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