Q and A


How long can I live on Atroiza?

I’m a girl aged 20 and I’m HIV positive. My CD4 is 174 and I’m taking atroiza.

I want to know how long can I live?



Thanks for your email.

Having HIV can sometimes be difficult. But modern treatment is very effective. It means that you can have a near-normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.

Nobody can predict how long anyone will live. This depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and bad luck).

Do you have any support to deal with being HIV positive? If you are in South Africa you could contact the Treatment Action Campaign for information about treatment and support in your area.

The i-Base Introduction to combination therapy guide also has general information about treatment.

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Please me know if you have any questions or I can help further.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Elvis

    It sounds like you are doing good things but learning about this new aspect of your health. It sound like you re doing well. Good luck with stating a support group. Unfortunately we don’t publish your contact details on the wersite.

  2. Elvis

    Hello I’ve just found out that I’m positive and I’ve just started treatment.I’ve been searching and reading about the disease a lot I want to know and understand it.Also hope I could help others understand it and teach it to people to change all the stigma coz this desease is the most misunderstood & feared disease between the public..I want to know what difference does it make if you take your treatment an hour or two after a meal? Does it mean if I just take them after or before my meal they are not going to work normally..The other thing I want to start joining support groups and other organastions so I need info about that..I’m also planning to start one in my community coz there is none but don’t want to get ahead of myself as its too soon but all is possible with God..For people who want to make/start a change with me in our community. I got some good planning just need a little push..Bless xx

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Mphojane

    The price of meds varies in different countries. I am sorry that i-Base doesn’t have these prices. If you ask a pharmacy in your country they should be able to tell you.

  4. mphojane

    Hi, For how much can I buy Atroiza from a pharmacy with a Doctor’s prescription? Thanks

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Geoffrey

    It is fine to conceive a baby when taking Atroiza – both for the man and the womb,

    It is also common to use Atroiza during pregnancy.

  6. Geoffrey

    If you are taking Atroiza can you have a baby?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi No

    A CD4 count of 16 is low, so it is good that you are now on treatment.

    I don;t understand your question – what is going faster?

  8. No

    Hi,I was on chemo while I get tested my cd4 was 16 at that time,I started to take Atroiza,now it goes faster than it was

  9. Simon Collins

    This varies a lot between different people. Usually within a week or two it should get better. If it continues than talk to your doctor about this.

    There is more information at this link:

  10. Pumza

    hi im using Atroiza bt im dizzy .How long will this dizziness last?


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