Q and A


How long can I live on Atroiza?

I’m a girl aged 20 and I’m HIV positive. My CD4 is 174 and I’m taking atroiza.

I want to know how long can I live?



Thanks for your email.

Having HIV can sometimes be difficult. But modern treatment is very effective. It means that you can have a near-normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.

Nobody can predict how long anyone will live. This depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and bad luck).

Do you have any support to deal with being HIV positive? If you are in South Africa you could contact the Treatment Action Campaign for information about treatment and support in your area.

The i-Base Introduction to combination therapy guide also has general information about treatment.

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Please me know if you have any questions or I can help further.


  1. Robin Jakob

    The only thing that will keep you healthy and your HIV under control are HIV meds. If you are having trouble with Atroiza you can ask at your clinic or doctor if there are other meds available.

  2. theron

    What can I use to keep my immune system high without using Atroiza?

  3. Robin Jakob

    That is great to hear. Congratulations!

  4. khululiwe

    Hi, i started using atroiza last year when i founded out im positive and was pregnant. At that time and they made me vomit a lot and i was very dizzy but now it has all gone and i’m fine. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who is negative.

  5. Robin Jakob


    It is normally recommended that you take Atroiza at night before going to bed. This is because drug levels and side effects will occur while you are sleeping.

    It is fine to take it before you fall asleep when this is not at night. You can also ask your clinic or doctor wether there are other medications that you can take instead.

    You can find more information about Atroiza here:

  6. Lwazi

    Hi. I’m 26 years old and I’m HIV positive I’m taking Atroiza. I sometimes work night shift and since I’m taking this Atroiza I really can’t work at night. I really don’t know how to say this to my boss.

  7. Robin Jakob


    Please have a read of the answer to a similar question here:

  8. Nokthula

    What can i use to keep my immune system high to help me to not start taking medication/atroiza?

  9. Robin Jakob

    Hi Lisa,

    Did the pain in your abdomen and kidneys start after you started taking the Atroiza?
    It is important to tell you clinic or doctor about any symptoms. They can help you work out if it is caused by your meds or by something else.

    It is usually recommended that you take Atroiza just before you go to sleep. This is because you will be sleeping when drugs levels are highest and side effects are likely to occur. It is important to take meds at the same time every day to avoid developing resistance. If you do not think you’ll be able to do that because of your work there may be other meds available. In the UK sometimes people who are on an irregular shift pattern or who work at night choose to swap to a different medication. You could ask your doctor or clinic if this is possible.

    You can find more information about Atroiza here:

  10. Lisa

    I’ve jst started using Atroiza, no side effects yet but my abdomen is painful and kidneys sometimes! What time can I take it at night because sometimes I work until late but they said to take it at bed time.


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