Q and A


What can I do to avoid opportunistic infections?

When my CD4 count result is nearly low to 300, how do I have to live not to be infected with opportunistic infections?


A CD4 count of 300 is still pretty strong and only has a small risk of HIV-related opportunistic infections (OIs).

It is probably important to start thinking about HIV treatment though, as most current guidelines recommend starting when the CD4 count is near 350. However, it is important to be prepared psychologically for this step, so taking the time to do it is important too.

HIV treatment (HAART) is the best protection from OIs, as it allows your CD4 count to increase. This will mean better protection against infections as your immune system will be stronger.

Otherwise, the best guide for good health include reducing stress, eating a balanced diet, keep active and exercise, don’t smoke, keep alcohol use to moderate levels.

If you do not start treatment and your CD4 count continues to fall, then it is important to be more careful with food hygiene, as with a CD4 count under 300 you are more at risk of infections from food and water.

There is some detailed information on different OIs, when to expect them and how they are treated here.


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