Q and A


Why am I on ilvitrim? (co-trimoxazole)

I am worried why my CD4 count is dropping so fast,what can i do to keep it above 500? I am currently put on ilvitrim, why ilvitrim?



Thank you for your email. Can you give me a bit more information?

It would be useful if you could tell me what your most recent CD4 count is, and the last few results so that I can understand how quickly this is decreasing.

If your CD4 count is above 500, then your immune system is still very strong. This is likely to slowly go down over time until you start ARVs. This is the only proven way to increase your CD4 count.

The CD4 count guideline for starting treatment will depend on where you live. Can you tell me which country you live in? For example, in the UK, the current recommendation is to start when the CD4 count is about 350.

Ilvitrim is a brand name for two antibiotics in one pill. The generic name for this is co-trimoxazole. Other common brand names are Purbac, Septrin and Bactrim.

The two drugs in co-trimoxazole are trimethoprim (TMP) and sulphamethoxazole (SMX). It is mainly used to either prevent or treat infections, including PCP which is a type of pneumonia and toxoplasmosis which can affect your brian.

In the UK, this med is given to everybody who has a CD4 count under 200. In some other countries, especially in Africa, this is used at higher CD4 counts (under 350) because it also protects against a broad range of other infections.

As with any medicine, it is important to ask your doctor or nurse these questions so you understand this part of your life.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Magdalne, this sounds like it might be a mistake. The usual dose is 2 tabs every DAY – ie one every 12 hours. Please contact your doctor, clinic or pharmacy to confirm this. Either the doctor or the pharmacy may have written “hour” when they meant “day”. Please let me know what they say :)

  2. Magdalne

    I am HIV+ and was given ilvitrim.
    The dose prescribed is 2tabs every hour .. is that not too much
    Thank you

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Esther, does your sister also have HIV? Ilvitrim is an antibiotic that is often used. It is not a treatment for TB. It sound like your sister needs to ask the doctor more questions. One of these should be whther the TB infection is active or not. Also, whether this will be treated.

  4. Esther

    Hi my sista was told dat she has tb nd was given this ilvitrim,so i would like to ask if it is alright for her to take it?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Yvonne, ilvitrim is a pill tha includes two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. It is also called co-trimoxazole.

    This is often used for HIV positive people if the CD4 count is low. You need to ask the doctor why they prescribed this for you. It will not help with pain relief, but it might be to treatment other infections.

  6. Yvonne

    Hi I went to the clinnic because I have back pain and urine problem so the nurse gave me ilvitrim what is that and how does it help

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Princess, please ask your doctor these questions. It is important the the doctor takes time to explain this. It sounds like your baby is negative because he is no longer taking HIV meds. Ilvitrim is a pill with two antibiotics.

  8. Princess

    Hi im hiv positive. my son was born negative. he started using neverapine syrup for six weeks. now he is on ilvitrim medication. I am confused. what is it for? Is he positive?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Magan. Ilvitrim is a combination of two antibiotics that is very commonly used by HIV positive people. It is also called cotrimoxazole. Depending on your medical history and where you live, it is important to still take ilvitrim. Please talk to your doctor about how long this will be for. It is most important when the CD4 count is still below 350 but in some countries is is still used at higher CD4 counts.

  10. magan

    A nurse gave me ilvitrim tablets but since I started my treatment 5 month ago I’ve never default or expense problem. I am healthy and taking my arv’s in time.my cd4 count increase from 208 to 232. Is the right thing to start ilvitrim? Is this ilvitrim for permanent or part time?


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