Q and A


How long do Odimune side effects last?

I just started Odimune. How long do the side effects last?



Odimune is a generic version of Atripla and contains three drugs: efavirenz, tenofovir and 3TC.

This previous question discusses side effects related to this combination. 

Please look there, and let me know if you have any further questions.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zingie,
    If you’re tired during the day it could be because you’re not sleeping well at night. Do you take Odimune before bed? This is recommended. But if you are taking it with a high fat meal before bed this can make the side effects stronger – and so you don’t sleep well. You can read more about Odimune side effects here. If side effect continues, ask your doctor about alternative treatment to switch to.

  2. zingie

    hi I started to use odimuni two weeks back so since then I feel tired and sleepy everyday a special during the day, I can’t even concentrate at work help m worried.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Adela,

    Diarrhea when first stating some meds is common. Your doctor or your pharmacist should be able to give you something for it.

  4. Adela

    Hello I’ve been taking odimune and I’m suffering from a bad diarrhea since I started the med

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomcebo,

    The side effects should usually only last for a few weeks. If you are feeling like this due to the meds, then you may need to change. This is something that you’ll need to discuss with your doctor.

  6. Nomcebo

    How long it takes for your body to get used on Odimune.I’m on treatment for almost 6months but m getting nausea fatigue

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bitha,

    What meds are you taking? What time of the day are you taking them? How long have you been on them for?

  8. bitha

    after four to tree hours of taking the meds I feel extremely hot and sometimes painful, when will these stop?

  9. Robin Jakob

    Both are generic versions of a pill called Atripla. You can find more information here:

  10. ayanda

    is odimune generic version of atroiza?


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