Q and A


Can I breastfeed while waiting for test window?

My husband tested positive and I tested negative when I was pregnant .

I now have a baby can I still breast bleed my baby without the risk of the baby getting positive, while I wait for the window period?



This is a good question and the asnwer will depend on the time you were last at risk and when you had your HIV test.

It will also depend on the advice from your doctor as she or he will know more about your circumstances and level of risk.

If you tested negative during the pregnancy and havent; been at risk since then, you are probably HIv negative and so breastfeefing would be fine.

If however, you became HIV positive because you had sex without condoms during the pregnancy, then your viral load cold be very high and this would put your baby at high risk.

If you are able to access a viral load test yourself, this would be be a quicker way to know whether you are HIV positive.


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