Q and A


Questions about CD4 count changes

sir. how many cd4 cells increase a person in six months?
if their first cd4 600 around. and not on med.
and how many cd4 cells fall down if he on ART not on med?
thank you sir..



Thanks for your question.

Generally if somebody is not on HIV treatment (also called antiretrovirals, ARVs or ART) their CD4 count will decrease over time. If somebody is on treatment their CD4 will usually remain stable or increase.

The speed at which CD4 counts increase or decrease is different for each person. There is some information about average CD4 count changes on this page.

Please let me know if you need any further information.


  1. Simon Collins

    Information about HIV and oral sex is in the guide to HIV transmission and testing. Scroll down for the link to oral sex.

    In the USA, a combination pill of tenofovir plus FTC (called Truvada) is approved as a way for HIV negative people to reduce the risk of catching HIV. This is also being studied in the UK in the PROUD study.

  2. gift

    Is it possible to get hiv through a blow job? Is there a drug which can help someone stay negative while having sex with someone who is HIV positive?


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