
How can I deal with my GP?

I am registered with a my local GP though I haven’t told him about my HIV status as I still have some reserves regarding the kind of care I will get from the moment I disclosed. Unfortunately, my GP is not easiest person to deal with and the other GP available is there just temporarily covering a maternal leave.

My question is regarding swine flu vaccine. I was dignosed and infected very recently and doing great healthwise. My CD4 is 600 and viral load 34,000. Should I get the vaccine? I know the only way I could possibly get it is through my GP after disclosing. My concern is that after discloure he might try to refer me to the HIV clinic whenever I have an issue as he constantly tries to refer me to see a private doctor or private clinic (I live in a quite affuent area of London). I am not exaggerating but most times I go to see him is a waste of time and working hours and I am afraid it could get even worse.

I would appreciate a bit of advice.


Thanks for contacting us. Getting vaccinated against swine flu is a good idea, especially if you think that you may be exposed to it (much travelling, working in closed premises with many people, travelling in the tube, etc). There is detailed information about swine flu and HIV here.

As for the situation with the GP and disclosure, can I ask you you to contact us on 0808 800 6013 Mon-Wed 12-4pm-i-Base Treatment phoneline (calls are free from landlines), so that we can discuss the issue and possibly come to a more personally tailored solution. Thanks in advance.


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