Q and A


Is a CD4 of 566 good?

My last CD4 is 566 and VL 40000 and I am not on med.
What is the good CD4 number?



Thanks for your email. A CD4 count of 566 suggests that your immune system is still strong and HIV has not done too much damage. The risk of developing opportunistic infections or HIV related symptoms while your CD4 count is above 350 is very low.

You can read more about CD4 counts and viral loads in our guide to starting treatment.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Paul,

    Palliative care is about improving the quality of life of anyone facing a life-threatening condition. It includes physical, emotional and spiritual care.

    So palliative care is appropriate for all. Including people who are HIV positive. However, if you mean is palliative care appropriate instead of HIV treatment, then the answer is absolutely not.

    People who are on successful HIV treatment (ART) can have a life expectancy that’s the same as someone who is HIV negative.

    Please see this Introduction to ART.

  2. paul

    Halo do you think palliative care is appropriate for HIV undetectable patients?


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