Q and A


Can I keep my CD4 strong without ARVs?

I am 34 years old.

My first CD4 was 567 and my last CD4 is 722.

I’m not on med.

I am HIV+ for three years.

What can I do to remain my CD4 up without ARVs?



Thanks for your email.

It’s great that your CD4 count is so strong. It’s possible that if your first CD4 count was taken soon after you were infected the increase you have seen is the body’s natural reaction to early infection. This is explained here.

There are no supplements, herbs, alternative treatments or foods that are proven to have an effect on the CD4 count. Generally eating a healthy diets and looking after yourself may help keep your CD4 count strong, but it is very likely that this will decline over time. HIV progresses at different rates in each person, and some people may not need treatment for many years. It’s important to continue to go for regular monitoring to be aware of your CD4 count, and to be prepared to start treatment when you need to. You can read about how HIV progresses in different people here.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pretty,

    Its great to hear that you’re on Atrozia. This will allow you to control your HIV.

    A CD4 of 533 is good. It is a strong CD4. And no you aren’t going to die from HIV. As long as you take your meds you’ll be fine. For more info about life expectancy, please see Q10 here:


  2. pretty

    I’m 23 and positive. I’ve just started Atrozia. My CD4 is 533. Is this OK? Am I going to die?


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