Q and A


How can I work in Saudi Arabia?

Hi , I am HIV-positive and my CD4 count is 703 cells/mm3 and I am 28 years old.

I have an opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia and as you know Saudia is one of the countries that requires an HIV test to give a residence visa.

I want to ask you if there are any medications can give a negative result to an HIV-test, when I take the test?

Please answer me, I need to work.



The HIV test looks for immune responses to the virus (called anitbodies) and no medication can make these disappear.

Even if, one day, scientists are able to cure HIV, the antibodies with still be there, and this test will therefore always be positive.

If Saudi Arabia includes this as a compulsory test with no exceptions, then I can not see how you would be able to work there.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi there, I am sorry to hear about your experience but this is a forum focussed on HIV and treatment. Some countries still discriminate against HIV even when there is no scientific basis for this.

  2. TheGuy

    It’s 2024 now.

    I got a job offer for KSA, but I was denied a visa by the Consulate because of my previous syphilis treatment – despite the doctor writing a letter that I am treated and cured and that reactive status will always be there.

    I was wondering if someone here has the same experience or has been treated with the same disease and got approved – and is currently working in the KSA?


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