Q and A


Can I get pregnant with a CD4 count of 360?

Does my CD4 count have an impact on the development of the baby if I get pregnant?

Is there a recommended level of CD4 count before getting pregnant?. I am HIV-positive and my viral load is undetectable, so is my partner.

I want to have a baby but am worried that my CD4 is so low at 360.


Thanks for your question and for letting us answer it online.

Your current CD4 count is very good. Responses to treatment are very individual, and without knowing your treatment history it is difficult to comment further. However, many women have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with similar CD4 counts.

Just as importantly, your viral load is undetectable, and if it stay this low through the pregnancy and during birth, then the risk of your baby being infected with HIV is incredibly low – perhaps less than 1-2%.

If you and your partner want to try for a baby now, there is no reason why your current CD4 count should stop you.

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor in case there is other support that you can get,

The i-Base guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health looks at all aspects of HIV and pregnancy.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. Lolo

    Hi I need to know can I have a baby with my partner while we are on ARV

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hlengiwe,

    Your status won’t be an issue. However a womans fertility drastically reduces once they enter into their 40’s this making it harder to become pregnant.

  4. Hlengiwe

    Good day am 43 years old lady and am on Arvs, so is late for me to have a baby and my cd4 countis more than 500?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi R.CJ

    It’s not possible to say what a persons viral load will be from their CD4 count, hence the need for a viral load test. However, as long as you haven’t had any issues your viral load should be undetectable. This is because you’ve been on medication for more than 3 months. You’ll need to test to confirm this.

  6. R.C.J

    Hi doc, I started my Art treatment exactly a year now and my cd4 count results is 504. Am still waiting for my viral load results but is it possible to be undetectable with that cd4 count. Thank you. R.J

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pretty,

    Your husbands HIV is under control, so yes it’s OK for you to have sex without a condom. There’s no risk. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  8. Pretty

    Hi I’m HIV negative and my husband is HIV positive with a viral load of <20 and log value of <1.30 and reading undectetable,would like to try to conceive am I safe.

  9. Soi

    Hi I`m HIV positive pregnant woman and i was started Art treatment when my pregnancy was 3 months and can my baby is negative . And my CD4 count is 709

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Soi,

    If you’re taking medication, then the risk to your baby will be drastically reduced. There’s more about pregnancy here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy


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