
Can I take Tribuss when fasting?


I just started taking tribuss and I need to know how safe is to take this medication without food or while I am fasting.



Thanks for your email. Tribuss is best taken on an empty stomach -at least two hours before or after eating. It is therefore fine to take this without food or while fasting.

In the UK Tribuss is called ‘Atripla’. You can find out more about this combination on our meds pages.


  1. Siya

    Hi, is it safe to go on a 3 day fasting not taking water and eating food while you are on HIV treatment. I’m taking Trivenz pills everyday

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siya, why do you want to go on a fast? Trivenz is best taken on an empty stomach, there will not be a problem fasting and taking your medication. Though not drinking water for 3 days is not recommended for anyone. There can be serious problems very quickly when not drinking water for this long.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bobo,

    Because tribuss doesn’t need to be taken with food, this wouldn’t be a problem. Insofar as it wouldn’t affect your HIV. However, not drinking water for 3 days isn’t recommended for anyone.

  4. Bobo

    Is it safe to do Esther fast (3 days and nights without food and water) while on tribuss


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