Q and A


Why is my viral load undetectable without treatment?

Hello I tested positive twice and both times my viral load is undetectable before starting any ARVs.

Is that possible? And what does that mean?

Thank you



Thanks for your email. It is very unusual to have an undetectable viral load without treatment, but a very small proportion of HIV positive people, known as elite controllers, have undetectable viral loads less than 50 copies/mL for years without treatment. This is very rare and only about 1-in-300 HIV positive people are elite controllers.

It is important to continue to have your viral load monitored, and also to check your CD4 count. The CD4 count measures how strong your immune system is- have you had this test done?

If your CD4 count is high, and your viral load remains undetectable it is unlikely you will need to take ARVs at this time, but it is important to keep being monitored for any changes.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lebo,

    Yes you can do this. However, do try to take them at the right time.

  2. Lebo

    If you take ARV in the morning by mistake is possible to take it again in the evening

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    The first thing I need to ask is, are you on ARVs?

    If you aren’t then you could be an elite controller. For more info, please see here:


    Elite controllers are something that your doctor should know about.

  4. Anonymous

    Hello. I’ve been HIV positive for three years. My viral load has been undetectable this entire time. My immune count has ranged from 790- 800’s . Doctors can’t explain what is going on with me.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi KK, you mom is not your doctor. And I am guess that you mom is not a doctor. Please talk to your doctor about this. You went to a lot of work to start treatment which was very impressive. I do not know why you would waste all this when ART is good for your health. Perhaps you mom needs to read about HIV more before giving you this advice. Email me personally again if you need to. simon.collins@i-base.org.uk

  6. KKLove

    I started arv last oct 2. And i finally told my mom about my situation. She said that i should stop the arv and wait for her to come home at march from u.k. I haven’t told my doctor yet.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Manny

    If you have never been on treatment yet, then you have just been very lucky.

    If your viral load is still undectetable, this is very rare, but in these cases the CD4 count usually stays higher too.

    Which country are you in? Did your doctor test for both HIV-1 and HIV-2?

    Also, whatever your viral load, with a CD4 count under 200, it is important to see if treatment can help.

    This is even more importnat now your count is so close to 100.

    Are you taking antibiotics to protect you agains other infections?

    Starting HIV treatment sounds very important now.

  8. Manny

    I have been positive since 1993 undetectable viral load with no meds but my cd4 has never gone over 200 it is right now at 105 what is causing that ?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Clarit

    Without more details it is difficult to comment. If one of you drugs is efavirenz, check the information at this link for side effects relating to this drug:

    Normally, efavirenz is taken at night just before going to bed.

    Please talk to your doctor, especially if this affecting how you look after your child.

  10. clarit

    everytime after taking dose i feel dizzy up to the position of forgetting my child


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