Q and A


Why is my viral load undetectable without treatment?

Hello I tested positive twice and both times my viral load is undetectable before starting any ARVs.

Is that possible? And what does that mean?

Thank you



Thanks for your email. It is very unusual to have an undetectable viral load without treatment, but a very small proportion of HIV positive people, known as elite controllers, have undetectable viral loads less than 50 copies/mL for years without treatment. This is very rare and only about 1-in-300 HIV positive people are elite controllers.

It is important to continue to have your viral load monitored, and also to check your CD4 count. The CD4 count measures how strong your immune system is- have you had this test done?

If your CD4 count is high, and your viral load remains undetectable it is unlikely you will need to take ARVs at this time, but it is important to keep being monitored for any changes.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Hector,

    The U=U campaign is about being on ART and having an undetectable viral load. Here’s another link to info about elite controllers. It’s important that you discuss your treatment with your doctor.

    I’m sorry, but it’s not possible to answer your questions about who acquired HIV first. There are too many variables and unknowns.

  2. Hector

    Hi Roy,
    My doctor got surprised he just told me that it is unusual, my CD4 was at the border line at that moment, he told me to use protection for sex even I tested undetectable without ART, he told me to wait 6 months testing as undetectable just to be safe. After 1 month with ART i was tested undetectable again and my CD4 increased now :) from 450 to 512. I will start my 3rd month with ART and o will be tested after it.
    I started reading about those people “elite controllers” if you guys have more info about it I will appreciate it.
    My ex is still blaming me, but if I was undetectable in my first test without ART then he got hiv from someone else not me, I believe now he passed the virus to me. I don’t know. Is any proof that you get the virus then be undetectable right away without ART? Or is there a time between you acquire the virus and the time your body fight to be undetectable and during that time you can infect? I have a lot of question.
    Thank you for the link, I understand that U=U based on that I couldn’t infect my friend right?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Hector,

    If you are taking HIV treatment (ART) and have an undetectable viral load you cannot transmit HIV even if you don’t use condoms.

    Here’s a link to Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U).

    But what did your doctor say when you tested HIV positive but with an undetectable viral load without ART?

  4. Hector

    Hi, I was detected positive, then my viral load was undetectable, my fwb got tested and he was positive he is blaming me I infected him, i didn’t know I was + until he got tested, if my viral load is undetectable does it means that was him who infect me and no me like he said? It is overwhelming for me. I started medication already I’m now in my 2nd month and my viral load still undetectable.
    My question is, if I was undetectable without medication then i didn’t infect my fwb right? In that case he infecta me? Please if someone can help me to understand it. Thanks

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Javier,

    The only thing that can control a persons HIV is ARVs. There isn’t an alternative to these.

  6. Javier

    Is there anyway to get viral load undectable or u see control without treatment. Is there any testimony of alternatives for ART

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Unathi,

    If your viral load is undetectable this means that your HIV is under control. This is excellent. It also means that if you were to have sex without a condom that you cannot transmit the virus.

  8. unathi

    My viral load is lower than detectable what does it means?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sharon,
    It’s good that you’re going to start HIV treatment (ART) with this strong CD4 count.
    And it can help if you tell your husband about U=U (undetectable = untransmittable). Here’s a link to many questions and answers about U=U.
    There is also the PARTNER study. The top line results were that with an undetectable viral load, almost 900 sero-different couples had sex more than 58,000 times without using condoms – and without a single case of HIV transmission.
    And you can read here Millie’s lovely story about becoming a mother with her partner who is also HIV negative.

  10. Sharon

    Mmm i was just diagnosed with HIV two weeks ago and my husband to be tested negative according to the report he showed me though we have had unprotected sex for 2years 9months.

    my CD4 is 774 and CD8 is 874 which my doctor advice is within the normal range .i have also tested for my viral load but am yet to receive the result.

    I have no intention to hide it from him but my challenge is how do i start and how do i make him understand that when i start with my medication n my viral load report undetectable he would be at no risk and we can have children?


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