Q and A


Worrying about HIV status

I am a gay man in his 20’s who has started freaking out about his HIV status. To this point I have only had oral, both performed and received. I have probably been with 20 guys (I know, it is crazy, but the large majority of them were when I was young and stupid). I have had only 3 guys cum in my mouth. What is the chance that I may have HIV? I will be getting tested in the next couple days to find out, but really am freaking out about this.

All the guys I have been with told me they were negative, but they may have not known if they were HIV+.



Please see the answer to this previous recent post.


The information will help you be more in control of how you think about HIV in the future. This should help you have a good sex life.

Even if your risks are generally low if you worry a lot about HIV perhaps read about PrEP. This is an option used by some gay men to reduce not just the risk of HIV but the related worry and anxiety.