Q and A


I’m pregnant and have an undetectable viral load, is this normal?

I have started treatment because i am pregnant. I had a test and they said viral load was undetectable, is this normal?



This is great! Being undetectable means that you can give birth normally with very little risk of your baby becoming positive.

Viral load is the amount of HIV in your blood. Undetectable means it is at such a low level that tests find it difficult to find. This is the main aim of HIV treatment and great news for your baby.

You can find more information about HIV and pregnancy in our guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lebo,

    When someone is undetectable they can’t transmit HIV. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  2. Lebo

    Hi if a male member is hiv positive but with undetectable viral load and having an hiv negative female partner can they have an hiv negative baby?


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