Q and A


Can I have a baby with my positive boyfriend?

I am in love with my Boy friend from past 7 years. We were also planning to get into marriage next year, but recently just 2 months back I came to know that he is HIV positive and it is in primary stage. Also our marriage information spread across the family/relatives & friends. Even I had gone through medical check-up after I came to know that my boy friend is an HIV positive,but my result came HIV negative. So now my question is, if we want to get a baby after marriage is this possible for me to get pregnant without getting into HIV infection. Please give me some suggestions at this stage i can’t leave him and also i want baby in future.



It is good to hear you are happy in your relationship and thinking of marriage. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant, staying negative and having a negative baby. Please see this link for all of the details