
I have a question about testing

I tested negative after 119 days of exposure on 4th generation ab/ag abbot architecture assay. Is it conclusive or do I need to retest after 180 days?


I am sorry but this service doesn’t answer individual questions about testing and transmission.

Please the see first question at this link which will take you to online information that answers your question.

In the UK, three months is considered long enough.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Keke,

    If your doctor has asked to see you again, then you should go and see her. If the latest tests confirm that you are positive, please get back in touch with us.

  2. Keke

    Last week my doctor called me in and she told me that I tested for HIV but then she told me tha it might be a chance that the lab(computer) could be wrong and She also told me to come in Friday and talk about my results that I could take Again so I got tested again and I drawn four blood tubes my results came in Today but the other day she still want me Too Come in Tomorrow , so what does that mean ? It is a chance that my second results will be negative cause since she told me I tested for HIV I Haven’t had any sexual contact with nobody and it’s been a week now so what Now , what do I expect tomorrow when I go in ?