Q and A


I’m HIV positive, can I have a child?

I’m a lady aged 28 and positive, can I have a child who is healthy and negative?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Lots of women who are HIV positive have children. They also give birth to negative children. To help prevent transmission you need to be on medication.

Please see the following in FAQ:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Grace,

    Because you’re on treatment the risk of transmitting HIV to your partner is close to zero. For more info please see the results of the PARTNER study:


    What this in effect means is that you can conceive naturally.

    Being on treatment also reduces the risk of transmission to your baby. For more about HIV and pregnancy please see the following guide:


  2. Grace

    Hi I’m HIV positive and on treatment ,my partner is negative can we have a healthy child? My partner won’t be affected? What process should we follow?


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