Q and A


Do I still have to take my meds even if my CD4 is high?

Do I still have to take my meds even if my CD4 is high?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The basic answer is yes. If you stop taking your meds even when you have a high CD4 count, eventually it will begin to fall. So if you’re on meds then its best to stay on them. It is being on meds that helps your CD4, and your HIV.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Milly,

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

    Do you know what test was used to test your daughter? If it was a usual antibody test, then yes it will show a positive result. This is normal. However, it does not mean that your daughter is HIV positive. For a more detailed answer, and the tests that should be done on babies please see here:


    Even if you aren’t sure, its really important that you keep giving your daughter nevirapine. This will help her. Also, though no one can tell you not to stop taking meds, its important that you take them. More so if you’re breastfeeding your daughter.

  2. milly

    I was taking my meds while I was pregnant, but my baby is HIV positive. She is 2 weeks old. What is the use of taking them? Should I stop? Could she be negative because I’m giving him nevirapine?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Prudence,

    Having a high viral load increases the risk of transmitting HIV to babies. Therefore, its important that if you’re pregnant that you take medication for your HIV.

    For more about HIV and pregnancy, please see our pregnancy guide:


  4. prudence

    If your viral load is too high, is it a risk for your baby?


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