Q and A


My CD4 has risen from 166 to 250, is this good?

On September 26th I found out that I’m HIV+. My CD4 count was 166.
Soon after that I started taking selenium 200mg daily. Later on October 19th I started ART (Prezista, Truvada, Norvir), then I was on CD4 count of 186.
Unfortunately in my country there are some issues with viral load tests, and the results will come after 2-3 months.
My latest CD4 test was on November 16th and my CD4 count was 250.
Next test will be tomorrow.

So my question is, how is my CD4 count going in general. Can I do something to increase it? Will it return back to normal after some time ?


Thanks for getting in touch.

How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to access support in your country?

Your CD4 is doing really well, a rise from 166 to 250 in a few months is great. This means that the meds are working, and working well.

With regards to it increasing to ‘normal’ levels, this may happen. It will though take some time. What’s important is that you keep taking your meds as prescribed. This is because the only thing that can increase your CD4 is meds. Please see quesiton 2 here:



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bill,

    CD4 results are given in whole numbers, so 340 etc. Were you given something like this?

  2. bill

    my CD4 is 0.215 the normal is 0.1 to 0.2 so is that good

    regards Bill

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Julie,

    Because your CD4 has gone up, and because your viral load is less than 50 copies, this means that the ARVs are working. And working really well. It also means that the risk of transmission to another person is close to zero.

    Basically you’re doing really well and your HIV is under control. Well done.

  4. Julie

    When I tested HIV + in January 2016 my CD4 was 96. I started taking ARVs. In January 2017 my CD4 tested 270 and viral load was less than 20. Is this good?


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