
Should I take TB meds?

HIV has been living with me for the last 10 years.

I am now on ART though and viral load is undetectable and CD4 is normal.

I am living in Europe but in one of my places of work there has been a TB out break. I have never been vaccinated against TB. I have read a lot about TB and being HIV+ but not in the case of people who are undetectable with a good CD4.

My question is am I at more risk than my colleagues, and should I avoid the area for a few weeks?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Because there’s been an outbreak where you work, if you are aged between 16 to 35 then UK guidelines say that it is good to get the TB vaccine. This is because it will reduce the risks of you catching TB.

For more info please this link:

Even if your CD4 is normal, and your viral load is undetectable, it may be worth taking preventive medication for HIV, that is if the vaccine isn’t an option. The info at this link might also help.

You should however seek medical advice about this from your doctor or clinic.

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.

This answer was updated in May 2023 from a question from April 2017.


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