Q and A


How can I get my CD4 count above 400 cells/mL


I’ve been on treatment for almost ten years now but my CD4 count is still less than 400 cells/mm3 and my viral load is undetectable.

I’ve changed my treatment twice but my CD4 count rises very slowly.

Is there anything I could do to boost my CD4 count – or is there nothing to worry about?



If your CD4 count was very low before starting treatment, this will limit how high it is likely to go. However, a few studies have still reported that the CD4 count can still increase each year, even after being on treatment for many years.

There is no difference between different HIV drugs and CD4 responses, so changing treatment is unlikely to make any difference.

This is still a very good level – and will still protect you from HIV-related complications.

You are doing really well, and this isn’t a reason to worry.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ritesh,

    Are you on medication? If you’re on medication, you’re already doing the best thing possible for your HIV. If you aren’t on medication, you’ll need to start. With medication your HIV will be controlled.

  2. Ritesh

    my CD4 count is 360 cells/mm3 and my viral load is 2067… and suffering from many disease how can i boost cd4


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