Q and A


Why am I positive when my partner is negative?

I’m positive, but my partner is negative. How is this possible? We even have a child together.


Thanks for getting in touch.

If you’re positive and your partner is negative this means that you were positive prior to engaging in a sexual relationship with your partner. As to why your partner is negative even when you have a child, this is basically doen to luck.

Please see Q 5 here: https://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thandolwethu,

    It’s good that you want to start your meds again. I’m sorry that the nurses might shout at you. But you could explain the reasons for stopping treatment to them.

    Was it because of side effects? Or did you find it difficult to fit them in with your work schedule? Whatever the reason, you can ask them to help you find meds that are easier for you to take.

    If you live in South Africa you can try contacting the Treatment Action Campaign. They might be able to suggest other clinics or doctors.

  2. thandolwethu

    I want to restart my medication but am scared to go back to clinic the nurses will shout me for stopping… Where can i go to start again not at clinic

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thandolwethu,

    If you’ve missed 10 months treatment there is a risk of drug resistance. This means that the old meds might not work as well as they should.

    What was the reason for stopping? Did you have difficulty with side effects? But you can talk to the clinic about starting again. You can discuss with them what meds will be best for you as an individual.

  4. thandolwethu

    I am HIV positive. I’ve been taking my meds but now i stopped its 10 months now, how much risk i am in

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joel,

    If your partner has been on ARVs and is undetectable to risk of transmission to you is zero. Do you know if your partner is HIV positive and if the capsule box contained ARVs?

    But the best thing for the health of any baby whose mother is HIV positive is to take ARVs. This can dramatically reduce the chances of your baby being HIV positive to close to zero.

    For more info here’s the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  6. Joel

    I found a white capsule box inside the bag of my partner and she’s pregnant for 8months.
    Is it possible to be infected if she’s taking the meds regularly?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Paul,

    WE don’t have resources to give information about risks and testing. But all FAQs are answered here.

    You should take PEP for the full course.

  8. Paul

    Hi im paul i recently slept with a girl we tested after sex she s positive and im negative after 6hours i started with truvada and aluvia for pep.. after a week i slept with an another girl but the condomns burst after 2 days she tested positive too but me i still taking PEP ..how much is the risk to be infected?? And for how long should i continue with Pep?? Do u think my result will come negative after Pep. I worry

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dinga,
    It’s great that your partner is taking ART. Taking ART and having an undetectable viral load means that HIV cannot be transmitted even if you don’t use condoms. Please see Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U).

  10. Dinga

    I have been having unprotected sex with someone who is taking treatment i.e. ART. Recently found out that she’s positive after I saw the medication in her bag. Should I be worried?


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