
Will nevirapine protect my baby if my nipples are cracked?

Hi. I’m hiv positive and my baby is on breastfeeding they have me cipla nevirapine to give her and now I’m worried because my nipples are cracked and sore. Does this mean she can catch the virus even when on nevirapine?



Congratulations on your new baby – and great that you are both on treatment. Although you didn;t say this, I assume you are also still on treatment.

Please can you contact your nurse or clinic about your current situation.

Although both you and your babies meds will also reduce the risk of HIV, the nurse needs to see how badly your nipples are cracked.

It might be that moving to formula milk is now more important – but someone needs to see you to talk about this.

Everything will be ok til you see the nurse – your baby still needs to feed – but please do this as soon as you can. If you do not need to change to formula milk, the meds will still give good protection for your baby.


  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Yolo and thanks for the question.

    Congratulations on the new baby – you must be very happy.

    It sounds like you have done everything right about feeding and giving the baby their medication.
    Well done for that. It must be very difficult to keep up with your medication, the baby’s medication and work.
    You have done very well.

    Please don’t miss your appointments with your clinic as they can help you with more feeding information about the baby and how to care for it.
    They will also be testing you both more often, which is important for both of you and your health.

    Good luck with the test results

  2. Yolo

    Hi I’m HIV positive my viral is <20 and I’m on treatment my baby was given nevirapine and zidovudine. I was breast feeding and while I was away my mom gave my child a formula milk and I came back I and breastfed her as usual and I stopped breast feeding when she was 2 weeks because I have to go back to work….what are the chances of my baby being HIV positive, I haven’t been to the clinic for 6 week check up

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Gabriella and thanks for the question.

    Congratulations on the new baby – you must be very excited.

    Please speak with your doctor and midwife for advice on feeding your baby.

    Introducing foods has to happen at a specific age. Also, there is a right way for introducing foods so your baby can tolerate them.

    Please see below the advise for breastfeeding by the British HIV Association.

    The guidelines where you are based are possibly different but they have important information about breastfeeding you might find useful.

  4. Gabriella

    I’m on my treatment and my baby is on Cipla
    Will she be infected if I still breastfeed her and give her other foods??

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Asemahle, please don’t worry about missing this one dose. Congratulations on your new baby – these days will be very busy and missing an odd dose often happens by accident. If it happens more often though, pls talk to your clinic in case they can offer other support.

  6. Asemahle

    If you forgotten to give your baby his/her nevirapine syrup in the morning then later you give to him only 1 day is that a risk or must i do

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joy, congratulations on having a baby. There is no interaction between the medications baby has been given and NVP. NVP will still work. How old is baby? and are you on treatment yourself?

  8. Joy

    Please, I give my baby a dose of Abidec, panda and emzoclox. Just yesterday and my mother give her glucose water a day before yesterday.

    She doesn’t know my HIV status as my husband doesn’t want anyone aside me and him to know of my status.

    My concern is that, I administer NVP to my daughter everyday since birth and I also is on treatment.

    Is my baby protected against HIV Virus after those infant medication?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rethiable, is your baby taking any other medication? What will help most is you being on your own ART. Do you know when the NVP will return to stock?

  10. Rethabile

    Hi am HIV positive. N my son he is on nvp and he is 18 months but since from November they last gave small bottle of nvp so at the clinic they said nvp is out of stock until now and my son he is still breastfeeding. Plss I need help what can I do any advice


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