Q and A


What is the situation with ARV availability now that there are no flights?

Hi there,

What is the situation with HIV medication now that all air travel has stopped? Do the hospitals here in UK have enough? With all the flights restriction how long will the supplies last? What is the possibility of running very low?

Many thanks


Hi Paolo,

Thank you for your question.

It is a real concern about the flight restrictions and access to HIV medication. Hospitals in the UK should always have adequate stock of ARVs to cater for the needs of their patients. There is no knowing how long the flight restrictions will go on for so it is difficult to say whether or not the supplies will run out. Please don’t be worried. The hospitals are monitoring stock and will endeavor to ensure that measures are put in place to prevent a shortage of drugs.

I-Base has contacted the main London hospitals and they are saying they can provide medication for foreign nationals at cost price. For more information on this please follow this link to a news item on the i-Base website.


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