Q and A


Do you get a rash when you take ARVs?

I’ve been taking ARVs for 7 months, I always seem to have a rash. My Dr has given me creams, however I still have the rash. What should I do?


Thanks for getting in touch.

You doctor needs to decide whether this is a side effect from ARVs. This will involve knowing when the rash first started and how often it is there. Also, how big is the rash and how serious.

However, as it’s a rash, this needs to be looked into. You may need to change to another combination.

You may also need to see a skin specialist who can test whether this is linked to an infection.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Samke, do you know your current CD4 count/viral load?

    Have you spoken to your doctor about this symptom while you were taking Oratane?

    As you have only just started ARVs the ‘rush’ you are experiencing is not a side effect of your ARVs. After how long of being on Oratane did you notice this?

  2. Samke

    I used oratane just for 6months i started to have rush in my arms and legs now am using arvs but rush still contining pls help what must i used to complete rush in my body


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