
Can I have a baby while taking Acriptega?

Hi, l want to have a baby but l cant, l don’t know why. l’m on treatment (Acriptega), is it possible for me to have a baby? l’m thinking to stop my treatment if that is the case.


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry to hear that you are finding it difficult to become pregnant. Acriptega is not going to be the reason you are having this difficulty. There is no reason for you to stop taking your medication.

Acriptega does not effect fertility and it is safe to take before, during and after pregnancy. Even when breastfeeding. Taking Acriptega will even help as it keeps you healthy when trying for a baby.

How long have you been trying for a baby? and have you spoken to a doctor about this?



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Piliswa, great to hear that your HIV meds are working so well for your health. They will not affect the chance of becoming pregnant. Please talk to your doctor though as getting older make pregnancy much more difficult. Even if you cant become pregnant you can still be a mother to adopted children and perhaps think about this.

  2. Piliswa

    Hi I HIV positive and I 45 years I been trying to fall pregnant can I keep on with my acripta that has lamivudeni.disoproxill and dolugravir can I fall pregnant cs I have 13 years o med now

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gift, congratulations on your pregnancy. These pills are not dangerous to your unborn child.

    Acriptega is safe to take throughout your pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Acriptega is the best way to keep both you and baby healthy. Treatment will also reduce the risk of transmission to as low as possible.

    It is safe to continue treatment.

  4. Gift

    Hey, I am hiv positive and pregnant, I have been taking acriptega pills. I need to know are they safe for my unborn baby. Or they are dangerous in the development of my unborn child?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kehinde, I am sorry to hear that your partner lost the pregnancy so early.

    Acriptega will not have had any effect on this. It will also not effect your partners menstrual cycle.

    As Acriptega will be keeping you healthy, it is only going to help with pregnancy and keeping both your partner and baby well. Have you been to see a doctor about this lost pregnancy?

  6. Kehinde

    Hi, my partner is taking this acriptega drugs and it over 8years now that we are looking for the fruits of the womb, she conceived last year, but she lost the pregnancy within 4weeks,can this be the cause of the drugs? Moreso can it affect menstruation disorder?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nofakin, Acriptega is a generic version of TLD. TLD is a treatment that can be used by HIV negative people as PEP. PEP is used to prevent HIV transmission after an exposure.

    Are these following questions regarding people who are HIV negative or positive?

  8. Nofakin

    Why do ppl take acriptega if they are not hiv positive ?what happens to the partner who is not taking it? What happens to ppl who miss their medications frequently ?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi David, are you and your wife both HIV positive?

  10. David

    My wife is using acriptega pills and I don’t use it,


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