Q and A


Can I take my meds again if I vomit?

If you are drunk 3 hours ago then you take ur HIV Meds as usual, then 15 minutes or so after you throw up due to the alcohol, is it okay to take your HIV meds again?


HI, how are you doing?

Yes. After 15 minutes your body would not have absorbed your HIV medication.

It is safe to take your meds again. Wait 30 minutes after vomiting to do so.

If you vomit any time AFTER 2 hours, you should NOT take your meds again.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jacob, no you do not need to retake your dose. ART is absorbed within 2 hours of taking it. As you vomited almost 3 hours after you would have already absorbed your treatment.

  2. jacob

    Im currently taking tenof-em and efavirenz tablets, I took it at 12am (like usual) but i was drinking alcohol, I puked it out at approx. 2:50am, do i need to retake my dose?


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