
How do I change the time of my meds between Myanmar and UK.

I am taking ART at 9:00 PM Myanmar Standard Time which is 3:30 PM in UK. When I arrive in UK, I want to change my medication time to 9:00 PM UK time. How do I do that?


Hi, how are you doing?

What time do you arrive in the UK? If you do so before 3:30pm, take your medication at this time.

The following day wait until 9:00pm to take your medication and you will have the correct schedule.

If you arrive after 3:30 it will be suitable to wait the 5.5 hours and you can immediately start taking your medication from 9:00pm.

Newer HIV medication shave longer half-lives. This means they stay active in the body for longer. For this reason it is safe to adjust the time you take your medication to make sure it suits you.



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