
Has by ART failed?

I have tested HIV positive in December 2021 and I started ART(TLD). Initially my CD4 was 392 after six months taking meds. Now my CD4 count is 462 and my viral load is 320 copies/ml.

The problem is that all symptoms like lymphadenopathy, fever and weakness comes again. I have missed my meds 2 days in this period. I want to ask has my ART failed?


Hi, how are you doing?

As your viral load is being suppressed and your CD4 count is rising, your ART is not failing.

How long have you been feeling like this?

While ART is going to treat HIV, it is not going to prevent you from other infections. It is possible that you have a different infection that is causing these symptoms e.g., COVID.

Have you spoken to a doctor about how you are feeling?



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