Q and A


I am still worried I may have HIV?

Thanks for the reply. As you said I don’t need a retest after a negative result 1-2 months but I read on the internet that the ELISA test is reliable only after 3 months so due to my anxiety I got tested again on 4th of July after three and a half month from my exposure which was on 16th February this year. The result came back today its negative again! My question is should I take it that I am not infected? Should I retest again after 6 months?

Are my two negative results after two month and three and a half months from exposure reliable?

Please reply to me so I can get some peace of mind and continue my normal life

Thank You


Thank you for your question.

Your results are accurate. You are HIV negative. You do not need another test. You need to put this incident behind you and stop worrying. In the future you should always try to protect yourself from possible exposure to ensure you do not go through this level of anxiety again.


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