Q and A


When are symptoms of PEP failure expected?

If someone has finished taking PEP, and have not worked when do signs start to show up?


Hi, how are you doing?

If PEP fails, it will postpone seroconversion and the symptoms associated with it. For this reason symptoms would be expected 1-3 weeks after finishing PEP. Symptoms are not very specific and is commonly caused by other infections e.g., cold and flu. In 1 in 5 people they will not experience any symptoms at all.

For more information please see here.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Biswajit, no this is not a sign that PEP has failed.

  2. Biswajit

    I was complete my pep 28days and next days start rash on my body small small red rash on body I think pep not working


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