Q and A


Is my combination suitable to be used as PEP?

Today I can feel a lymph node at side of neck I believe. I can’t move it but I can feel the bump. I am concerned and also I am worried about the PEP which I am taking i.e TAF/FTC/DTG. I heard it isn’t recommended as PEP as studies haven’t done as PEP.
Please give your valuable comment on this PEP regimen and new symptom.


Hi, how are you?

Your course of PEP is suitable. In most cases PEP is required to be a 3-drug combination which you have. The small difference between most is that you are using TAF and usually people will use TDF. TDF and TAF are largely the same drug but TAF has fewer side effects on kidneys. It is recommended to continue with your course.

An enlarged lymph node on the side of the neck is not suggestive of HIV/PEP failure. There are a number of causes for this. Are you experiencing any other symptoms? As you are on PEP. HIV symptoms would be delayed until after you stop if there is a failure.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi tm – please read the info linked here about HIV risk, especially the FAQ:

  2. tm

    Hi Josh.
    I have one que.
    I am male and I had one exposure on 5th march with spa worker and she nibbled my nipple little hard …blah blah blah… Should I need to go on PEP? do you see such cases before turning positive? I am paranoid now.
    but she told she is negative but who knows!


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