Q and A


Who uses TLD?

Is TLD used by people who have HIV or not?


Hi, how are you?

TLD is a combination of 3 drugs, tenofovir, lamivudine and dolutegravir. It is an antiviral and is used to treat and prevent HIV.

TLD can be taken daily by someone HIV positive daily to treat HIV. It will suppress viral load and prevent transmission to other people. It will also allow for CD4 count recovery.

In people exposed to HIV, if taken with 72 hours, TLD can be taken as a 28 day course to prevent transmission of HIV.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bongani, yes this does mean that HIV is low risk.

    Please see here for more information about transmission and risk: https://i-base.info/guides/testing

    As you were the insertive partner and the exposure was quick, the risk remains low. The risk is now further reduced by yourself being on PEP.

  2. Bongani

    I am a heterosexual male who recently got into the habit of testing sex partners with Rapid HIV blood kits before engaging in unprotected sex.All partners tested negative.Does that mean they are low risk exposures for HIV?

    There was one lady,who I had anal sex with.Initially,I inserted the head of my penis,unprotected, in her,for about a minute.I then put on a condom to finish the session.She later tested HIV positive on a rapid hiv test.I am currently taking TLD(Luvigen) for PEP.Is that considered a high risk exposure?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Job, starting PEP (TLD) within 72 hours of the exposure means the treatment will be effective.

    More information about PEP can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  4. JOB

    I’had unpotected sex on sarterda noon but took tld on monday noon,can i be protected from aquiring hiv?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, yes this is the case. After 2 hours PEP would have been absorbed. As you vomited 7 and 9 hours after taking the treatment respectively, there is no risk that it waas not absorbed.

  6. Michael

    Thanks, Josh. One last question. I had 2 bouts of diarrhea during the course of PEP (taking TLD). On the first occasion, I believe in Day 11, I vomited about 7 hours after ingesting my PEP pill for the day. On the second occasion, I believe on Day 22, I vomited about 9 hours later after ingesting my PEP pill for the day. On both occasions, I did not take another dose of PEP for that day because I assumed that the medication would have been sufficiently absorbed into my bloodstream/genital fluids. Is that the case?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Michael, TLD can be taken with or without food. Doing either will not change its effectiveness. Being 20 minutes late with your regular time is not going to have any impact on how well PEP works.

  8. Michael

    Hi Joshua. I was given TLD as PEP for 30 days. There’s days I took it without food. Will this affect its efficacy? Also there are occasions when I missed taking the pills by 20 minutes of my regular time. Does this have an effect?


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