
Do I need to take co-trimoxazole at the same time each day?

I’m newly diagnosed 3 weeks ago.
My CD4 is 165 and doctor gave me Cotrimoxazole. My doctor said to take it after meal. (2 tablets of 400mg once).

My question is, do I have to take Cotrimoxazole at the same time like ARVs?
If yes, can it be resistance if I take it 1 hour late or earlier like ARVs?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes. It is advised to take co-trimoxazole at the same time each day.

Co-trimoxazole is not being used to treat an infection. While you have a low CD4 count it is used to prevent other infections as your immune system recovers.

This means that not adhering can risk potential infections becoming resistant to co-trimoxazole but this doesn’t mean the treatment would not work for other infections. But it would require a different antibiotic for the immediate infection.

For this reason it is best to take it at the same time each day. When do you take your ARVs? Would you be able to take all your meds at the same time to avoid being late?



  1. Dennis

    Hi Josh

    Thank you for your kind explanation. :)

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dennis, it is advised to take co-trimoxazole with food but you don’t strictly have to take it at the same time. If your lunch varies it would be okay to always take co-trimoxazole at 1 pm regardless of if you had lunch at 11 am. This still allows for some food to be in your stomach and helps keep the time regular each day.

  3. Dennis

    Hi Josh.

    Thank you for your answer.
    I take my ARVs every morning at 7. I can take my ARVs at the same time in the morning.

    Since it is instructed to take Co-trimoxazole after meal, I plan to take it after lunch. But my lunch time is vary between 11AM-1PM.
    Does it matter if I take it between that time?

    Or can I take it together with ARVs in the morning?


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