
Do I need to worry about a small drop in my CD4 count?

I was diagnosed last year, April 2022 with HIV with a CD4 count of 238. In January this year 2023 I tested it was 328 and last week which is March 2023 it dropped to 308 and viral load is undetected. Must I worry about my cd4 count that has dropped down? Am taking my HIV treatment well?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. You do not need to worry about this.

Do you know your CD4%? This is a more accurate representation of your CD4 result.

Absolute CD4 count can change e.g., by doing exercise or the time of day the blood is drawn. This means it will not always give an accurate result. This is more true given that there was only 2 months between tests so there is not a long time for the count to increase.

A CD4% is a ratio with other cells and is not effected by other things. The result can give you a better idea of the CD4 trend if it is going up or down.

As you have an undetectable viral load this shows that you are taking your treatment well. Your treatment is suppressing the HIV viral load.



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