
Why use a home saliva test (Dr Thom etc) if it is not as accurate?

Thanks for the reply about the HPV vaccination and Dr Thom Saliva Test.

You say that this test is not as accurate as a blood test. If this is the case is there any point in having it done, if a negative result may not be accurate.



As noted in the earlier question one of the problems with home saliva testing is indeterminate (‘reactive’) results.

Because of the higher accuracy from a blood test, it is easier to have a blood test, which is free at any UK sexual health clinic.

Certainly anyone who thinks they may be HIV-positive would be better to have the blood test at a clinic. This is cheaper, saves the time of two tests, is accurate, and have the chance to get support in talking to someone directly after the results.

Blood tests also work after only a few weeks after the exposure risk, so instead of the stress and worry for 14 weeks before testing with a saliva test, the blood test could be done after just 3-4 weeks.

If it has been over 4 months since the risk, and the risk was low, then, according to the information on the Dr Thom website, a negative saliva test means “you’re almost certain not to have HIV”. So for someone who is at low risk and who has difficulty getting to a clinic, using a postal saliva test in may be one advantage for this type of service.

In an email from the company they provided us the following information:

Thank you for your message regarding the accuracy of our HIV saliva test.  The saliva test is not as accurate as a traditional blood test, but nevertheless the accuracy is sufficiently high to provide a good testing method.

The accuracy of all tests is segmented into what is called ensitivity‚ and specificity. A test’s ability to detect an infection when it really is there is the test’s sensitivity. A test’s ability to confirm the absence of an infection when it really isn’t there is the test’s specificity.

The sensitivity of the saliva test we use is 95 – 97%, and the specificity is quoted as 90 – 95%.  By comparison a traditional blood test has sensitivity and specificity of around 99%.


  1. Simon Collins

    You are right that your fears are not rational and if you let this become an obsession it could affect your daughter health in other ways. Please speak to your doctor or health advisor about this. It sounds like you have not yet come to terms with being HIV positive. This takes time, but it gets easier, and should spoil other aspects of your life like this.

  2. Danny

    Please could you help me I’ve been diagnosed for 2trs I have dealt with it my self but I have a phobia that my lovely daughter every time she is poorly I have gave her it. She is picking up on the fact that I am checking her constantly. I have also checked her using a home saliva test which is awful but I’m going insane she is 7 will the saliva test work on her

  3. Simon Collins

    Thanks – I have added more information about the test accuracy above in the original answer.

    Any questions about your personal results should be asked to the the company on the website.

    Please let us know what you hear back.

    If you do not hear back I can take this up for you.

  4. Anon

    Thanks Simon for your reply re Dr Thoms Saliva Test. Let me know which test is used if you find out.

    i think the lab they use is Quest Diagnostics.

    My lab report said optical density was .097. Can you ask them what this means.