
Is there a risk of my medication not working if it is somewhere hot?

I’m on Dovato now and I’m travelling to Southeast Asia. It says to not store this medicine above 30c degrees but when I’m changing buses or taking ferries it’s really hot outside. Sometimes even 40c degrees. I’m worried this affects the medicine and it doesn’t work effectively. It’s not exposed in the heat for a long time but I’m still worried. Should I be?


Hi, how are you doing?

No, You do not need to be worried.

Your medication is still going to work if you are needing to be in places hotter than 30c degrees.

It is importnat to keep your medication below 30c degrees when it is being stored but occasionally being somewhere hotter will not cause the treatment to breakdown.

How it is stored (usually in a pill pot) will also help keep it cool. Even if the outside temperature is 40c degrees it does not mean that your medication will also be this temperature. Keeping it in the shade in your bag will help to keep it at the correct temperature.



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